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HomeAbout Bethlehem Neighbors

About Bethlehem Neighbors

Bethlehem Neighbors was originally started in 2014 by local neighbors in one of our town's cozy little hamlets.  Then it quietly faded away. In 2019, it was relaunched - with the intention of covering the entire town from Selkirk to North Bethlehem.  Now we partner with existing community resources, aiming to help our older residents age safely and engage in meaningful activities while remaining in the home and community they love. 

Bethlehem Neighbors is a 501(c)(3) tax-deductible not for profit corporation. It is governed by a board of directors whose members are elected annually.

Some of our recent activities include dinner outings, group walks, coffee hours, garden tours and more.  And of course our Labor Day live jazz concert.

We also offer additional services for our members that other Bethlehem senior organizations may not provide.  These include help with chores, pet care, gardening, and transportation - along with providing guidance and assistance in using other community resources.

So be sure to check our events calendar regularly and stay updated on what your Bethlehem Neighbors are doing.

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Serving members who live in the Town of Bethlehem, New York

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